Member-only story
Getting Ghosted isn’t Always Bad
Nikki said she’d meet me at the Halloween party this year because things were extra crazy at work. “Nate, you spent so much time on your Ghostbuster Proton Pack . . . people need to see it! Go on ahead . . . don’t worry . . . I’ll be Ghosting people there as soon as I can.”
Normally, every male who has made that same mistake in the past, would know now that “Go on ahead” means, “You go with out me and we’re over!” But Nicki is so different, very understanding and is completely right . . . I spent weeks on my Proton Pack. Ten days alone on just getting my Neutrona Wand just right.
So when she tells me to “Go on ahead” I’m safe to do so without getting my nuts kicked. I’m good to go and then wait for her to show up. Really wanted her to come as Slimer! Then I could capture and fuck her!
“You should be happy I’m willing to even cut holes in a sheet.” Said Nikki. Yeah, she’s not on the same level of dress up as I am . . . but I’ll still capture and fuck her . . . even if she ends up using a plastic garbage bag! Since she won’t becoming as Slimer . . . I’ll just need to slime her myself first chance I get.
. . .
The initial hoots and hollers over my Costume and Proton Pack tapered off as expected. Other than the occasional, “There you are…