Member-only story
FREE Ticket to The Bondage Game
Caitlyn Loves Fun Roll Play Games!
Caitlyn’s curiosity has always been her strongest of desires. Especially when it comes to her older Sister’s most private of things. She’s the one who found out Camilla was on the pill, doing drugs, had three boyfriends at one time and stole money from Dad.
Like that puppy that always wants the other dogs bone . . . this was Caitlyn’s second strongest desire. Again, with her being the puppy and the other dog being Camilla. She would take her newest of shoes, makeup, perfume and clothing without asking.
She wouldn’t stop at the little things. Caitlyn stole one of Camilla’s boyfriends by lying to him about Camilla having an STD. Hell, Camilla had more than enough boyfriends to go around and considering how much she was going around, she likely did have an STD.
For her Birthdays and Holidays, Camilla’s favorite was all different kinds of Gift Cards. It was the experience of getting to go shopping on someone else’s dime that she loved the most. That, or having an experience like a FREE Spa Day, Life Action Murder Mysteries, FREE Nascar Experience, Best Bungee Jump and more!
Of course, the little puppy Caitlyn with her curiosity superpower would find and take damn near half of Camilla’s Gift Cards for herself. Then deny ever seeing them…