I actually have a scar on my thigh from a burn of regret. Learned the hard way that in the bottom of many motive candles, are small metal plates that hold the bottom of the wicks in place.
We played a game where I had two dozen of these on my bound body. Yes, held in place by pouring wax on my flesh, then quickly putting the candles in place. Just like the pic.
My partner lit all of them, and they pooled wax in each one. If I would wiggle too much, the wax would pour out. She then fucked with me sexually, causing me to move and jerk.
It was one of the most intense things we've ever done! Until the candles burned down so low, that those small metal plates heated up enough, to melt through the bottom, and burn my thigh! OUCH!!!
Every time I notice the scar, that most other people would never see, it still makes me so fucking wet! I can't even tell you. Z